Saturday, September 7, 2013

Interesting signs

In the Netherlands, there are many helpful signs along the bike paths and roads we have traveled, some of which have made us chuckle.  No offense, please, to our Dutch friends - some words look similar to ours but have very different meanings.  A waiter recently told us "Dutch is not a language but an affliction of the throat" - perhaps why it is so difficult for us to pronounce.   We'd like to share a small selection of these signs with you...

a boom is a tree

Some are symbols only...

and others are in different languages!  (this sign has also been seen for the Mercedes)

The lighted traffic symbols are essential in the cities, and bicycles get first priority!  

Especially this one which would be fatal to disregard or miss...

The pedestrian "walk and don't walk" signs are better in red and green in the Netherlands, in our opinion.

Of course, France has its share of noteworthy and amusing signs, too

We rode through a region with many monuments and memories of the First World War and the courage of those who made the "ultimate sacrifice"...

and, finally, the perfect sign for us which we rode past in Reims, France


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